Sunday, January 3, 2010


What can I say, he hurt my feelings.  Last year at about this time I began dating a man.  And we clicked.  I'm not a big talker but I could and did talk to him.  We talked about everything under the sun both real and imagined.  Don't get me wrong - he wasn't perfect.  But neither am I.  We had dated for a while when his job took him out of town.  (He was military - rrowr!)  

When he came back from his two week training I was ready to see him.  (We had been having fun exchanging naughty text messages while he was away.)  And the silence was deafening.  You could literally hear the crickets chirping.  Nothing - no phone calls, texts, nothing!  Because I wasn't precisely sure when he would be home I was a bit hesitant to call him.  Days passed.  And then, a phone call!!!  And then, trouble.  This made me mad.  I for the life of me could not figure out why he was mad I hadn't called him.  After a few days of fighting I walked away.

Time passed and I moved on with my life.  A couple of months went by and I received an email from him - still plenty mad - I ignored it.  A month or so later another email.  I ignored this as well.  Another month goes by and another email lands in the in box.  This one I didn't ignore.  I told him to call me.

And he did.  And we once more started moving into a relationship.  Except something always would come up when he was supposed to meet with me.  We did a lot of phone talking but no face time.  Have I mentioned yet that he was getting posted overseas?  Oh yeah, he was leaving in two weeks!  By the time he left I figured things had just died a natural death - after all he must not be that into me if he can't make the effort to see me.  And then the phone calls and emails from Afghanistan came.  Surprised and excited I bought into him and the dream he was selling.

Having drawn early leave I knew he'd be home in December and I was pumped.  Can anyone see where this is going yet?  I had a rough idea of when he would be home.  With ants in my pants I watched my phone carefully.  And nothing.  Still nothing.  Days passed.  Starting to feel a little apprehensive I waited.  Until finally - a phone call!!  He wanted to meet up on the weekend.  

With the arrival of the weekend and no firm plan I became a wee bit skeptical.  Ahhh, the classic excuse - he had his son.  Okay fine, can't argue with that, when then?  With each proposed time (by him) and excuse when the time came (by him) I was left feeling a bit confused.

What precisely did he want with me?  And why did he bother contacting me in the first place?  I truly don't get it.  Long story short - he went back to Afghanistan and never saw me once.  In fact, I talked to him more when he was on the other side of the world than when he was in the same town.  This all leaves me feeling baffled.  Why bother?  

When the final "date" came and passed with no contact from him I sent him a nice little email.  It wasn't nasty it just outlined my confusion over the situation.  Did he respond?  Of course not.  And that, my friends, is the last I've heard from him.  Leaving me with some hurt feelings and an intense desire for answers.  

Determined not to be the crazy chick I refuse to seek him out for answers - answers we all know he won't tell me.  So here I am - confused and single.  

With no man in sight this girl decides to take action.  Leaving me with the question: where  can you meet men?  Hmmm... not at work....  not with my hobbies...  and with that a flash of brilliance *or perhaps a commercial* eharmony!

More on the internet dating adventures to come!

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